2024 DO Monthly Challenges

2024 DO Monthly Challenges

Each month we have a different focus for you to work on with options to win prizes!

July: Flexibility Focus

Our focus in July is on our flexibility. Flexibility and mobility are important for us as dancers, as it supports functional movement we need in dance.

If you complete all the videos in the Flexibility Focus program in July of 2024, you are eligible for a free patch! Fill out this form to get your patch.

August: Build a Choreography

Join Rachel in 4-livestream classes to learn how to build your own simple choreography. Film yourself performing your choreography and upload it to the DO community (you can also upload to YouTube as an unlisted link and share in the DO community). Once you film and upload your video, fill out this form to get your free patch. *You do not need to be in costume or makeup, as September will give you the chance to get dressed up and perform your piece.

September: Performance Ready

How do you become ready to perform? That's the topic for this month's challenge! Coming soon...

October: Datura Transformation Challenge

This is one of our favorite times of year to see you experiment with costuming and makeup in a transformation video! Coming soon...

November: Best Bodywaves

This month we are focusing on a specific movement: the Bodywave. Coming soon...

December: Time to Relax!

This month is all about relaxation. Coming soon...

The DO 366 Year-long Challenge

We want to reward your dedication to your practice! If you watch a Datura Online video every day in 2024 and record which video(s) you watched each day, we'll reward you with one free year of Datura Online in 2025!

Learn More

January: Datura Dreams Program

Piece by piece, we are building our dance dreams together and sticking with them! This is a 31-day program with focused modules of fundamental movements. If you complete every video in this program in January, you can get a free patch! Just fill out the pdf attached to the Resources tab in this video and upload your completed pdf here.

February: 3/4 Shimmy Strength

Upload your short 3/4 shimmy video (1 minute or less) to the Datura Community Monthly Challenges channel each Thursday in February (5 videos total). Along with your video, put in the description a 3x3. A 3x3 is a list of 3 things you would like to work on for your 3/4 shimmies and 3 things you like about your practice. Sign up to get your patch here once you upload your videos: https://askdatura.typeform.com/to/LBonOAbK

March: The DO Belly Dance Challenge

We want to see you dance! For our 12th DO Belly Dance Challenge, you have a chance to win a patch and a free year of Datura Online.

Here are the rules:

The DO team will choose our top 3 favorite performances per choreography based on video quality, artistic expression, technique, and personal interpretation and give out prizes:

  • 1 year, 6 months, or 3 months of free access to Datura Online

Each participant in the DO Belly Dance Challenge this year gets a patch if they upload a video!

Videos must be uploaded by March 31st, 2024 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. Prize winners will be announced on April 5th by 5 pm Pacific Time.

By uploading your video to Instagram, your video will be automatically added to our participant compilation video. You may request that your video not be included.

To receive your free Datura patch for participating in the DO Belly Dance Challenge #12, you must upload a performance video and fill out the form with your mailing address. Datura Online will not use your information for any other purpose than mailing your patch to you.

The DO Belly Dance Challenge # 12 is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. The DO Belly Dance challenge is open to participants worldwide to anyone 18 years of age and older.

April: Build Your Style

Join the DO community for the April Build A Combo challenge! The purpose of this challenge is for you to explore your creativity and artistic voice by building your own original combo.

Here's how it works:

  1. First, do the videos in this challenge to get ideas for how to put together a combo.

  2. Build your own original combo that is at least 2 8 counts: (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8). If you've never made a combo before, one example would be to start by choosing two simple foot patterns, two isolations, and two arm movements. You can take inspiration from the videos in the challenge program or explore creativity from any inspiration you have.

  3. Upload a video of your completed combo to any music you like in the Datura Community. You can upload your video directly to Community via the Datura app, or you can add an unlisted link via YouTube.

  4. Write 2 - 3 sentences (at least) about your experience of the combo building process in community.

You are also welcome to share on social media (and we might repost your combo!) if you tag us @thedaturaonline and use the hashtag #daturabuildacombo.

You must upload your completed video to the Datura community by April 30th, 2024 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time to complete the challenge.

If you complete this challenge and fill out this form, you'll get the special April Datura patch to add to your collection.

June: Fabulous Fundamentals

It's always great to go back to basics! We're looking at fundamental technique this month, focusing on hipwork, undulations, arm movements, and shimmies. Complete the Fabulous Fundamentals program by July 1st, 2024 and fill out this form once you watch all the videos in the program to get your free June patch.

May: Advanced Choreography

How the May challenge works:

  1. Do the videos in this program to prepare for the Cabaret Macabre livestream choreography series with Rachel May 28th - 31st at 5 pm Pacific Time

  2. Film yourself doing one of the Datura Style combos each week AND film yourself doing the full choreography after the livestream series

  3. Upload your videos to the Datura Community (you can also upload to YouTube as an unlisted video and attach the link in the Datura Community)

  4. With each video, write 2 - 3 sentences about your learning process. What was it like? What moves or concepts felt difficult or easy? Any revelations?

You are also welcome to share on social media (and we might repost your combo!) if you tag us @thedaturaonline and use the hashtag #domaychoreo. You must upload all your completed videos to the Datura community by June 15, 2024 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time to complete the challenge and be eligible to get your patch. Fill out this form once you've uploaded all your videos to order your free patch: https://askdatura.typeform.com/to/qa1208dB